Thursday, March 15, 2007

2 days and nothing on.

Not much to say so lets get right to it.

My top creepiest movies:

5) Angel Heart - not really scary, but plenty of atmosphere. Not for everyone.

4) The Ring - You have got to see the scene with the Horse on the Ferry, amazing.

3) Alien/Aliens - The first two movies of this franchise are great creep fests. No need to see the rest.

2) Jacob's Ladder. Great Friday night freak out flick.

1) The Serpent and the Rainbow. - Very Very creepy. Don't sleep alone after this one.

I 'll try to be more interesting for my (currently non-existent) fans.


Anglia Redding said...

That scene with the horse on the ferry made me cry!

Trish van Doornum said...

I didn't like the horse/ferry scene. I also didn't enjoy the finger nail being lifted off the finger bit either...

Jen said...

I saw Jacob's Ladder when I was young and it creeped me out for years...I don't remember it well now except that a guy got a needle in the head...augh!

Shawn Pallier said...

I don't think Jeff's final words should refer to trying to be more interesting... C'mon man, let's give this blog them heart-paddle thingies.